48 TRG-TRC012-EN
Glossaryvapor is directed back to the compressor while the liquid refrigerant travels on
to the evaporator.
oil separator The component of the chiller used to remove oil from the
refrigerant vapor after it is discharged from the compressor. This oil is directed
back to the compressor.
orifice plate A type of expansion device that uses a fixed plate with holes
drilled in it to meter the flow rate of refrigerant to the evaporator.
ported compressors A type of compressor where the refrigerant vapor enters
and exits through ports—no valves are used.
pressure-enthalpy diagram A graphical representation of the saturated
properties of a refrigerant, plotting refrigerant pressure versus enthalpy.
rotor The part of the helical-rotary compressor used to trap and compress the
refrigerant vapor. The male and female rotors mesh together forming pockets
of refrigerant to move through the compressor.
slide valve The part of the helical-rotary compressor used to vary the flow rate
of refrigerant vapor through it.
subcooler The lower portion of the condenser that further cools the saturated
liquid refrigerant.
water-cooled condenser A type of condenser that rejects the heat of the
refrigerant to water flowing through it.