Trango Broadband Wireless — Atlas5010 page 23
Command Reference Listing The complete command set reference is provided below. You can also view a complete listing of all CLI commands by
typing help.
Command Syntax Description
antenna [h|v] Set or display antenna setting. H=Horizontal polarity, V=vertical
arq [on|off] Enable or disable Auto Retransmit Request (ARQ). With ARQ
enabled, the Atlas system will retransmit packets which are detected
as missing or corrupted. Default setting=ON.
autorateshift [on|off] Enable or disable automatic rate shift feature. With autorateshift
enabled, the radios will automatically renegotiate speed setting to
maximize wireless link integrity. Default setting=OFF.
• Radio will start to perform diagnostic speed test
approximately 50 seconds after association.
• Radio will set new speed after finishing speed test.
• Radio will check link quality for increasing speed every 60
• Radio will check link quality for decreasing speed every 10
• Link quality is based on ARQ retransmit statistics and speed
assessment packets.
• Radio’s speed can be changed manually when auto rate shift
is on, however the speed will not be sustained.
• If auto rate shift is turned on after association, the radio will
not perform speed test.
• If auto rate shift is turned off after associated, radio will not
perform regular link quality assessment.
autoscanmu [on|off] Enable or disable auto scan MU (RU only). Default setting=OFF .
When autoscanmu is turned on, the RU will automatically scan all
channels and polarizations searching for its peer MU. Once the RU
detects the MU it will stop scanning and lock onto the channel of the
MU. The autoscan feature is useful in cases where the user changes
the channel at the MU because the RU will automatically search for
the new channel of the MU. Note: auto-scanning may take as long
as 5 minutes.
• RU will not perform auto scan during the first 60 sec after
opmode is turned on.
• RU will initiate auto scan cycle after losing sync for 10
• RU will scan all “available channels” and antenna
• After finishing scan cycle, RU will pick the best channel
and antenna by a) has sync and b) has highest packet rssi.
Afterwards RU will change to that channel with max power.
• If no channel is selected after finishing scan cycle, RU will
initiate auto scan cycle again after 10 seconds.