Standard Blower Package | Side Access/Final Filter Section |
The TEFC energy efficient blower is designed for horizontal air flow and mates with the air purification system to provide a uniform distribution of air. The blower wheel is steel, backward inclined, welded construction.
Optional UpBlast Blower
The NFPA 96 UpBlast fan is designed to mate with the air purifica- tion system and provide uniform air distribution. It is a centrifugal UpBlast exhaust fan, with drain, in compliance with UL 762 for kitchen exhaust applications containing
Side Access Filter Housing
The flexibility of the Media section provides an efficient means for high efficiency filtration, as a prefilter or after filter, depend- ing on your requirement. This section is designed to house a variety of mechanical filters that may be required in your appli- cation. The housing allows for various filter combinations that are tailored to your specific needs, such as HEPAs, 95% bags,
Unlike particulate filters, odors in the form of undesirable gases and vapors are most commonly removed from the air stream by the process of adsorption that is enhanced by multi- faceted porous surfaces of certain materials. Filter trays of activated carbon or optional potassium permanganate pellets effectively facilitate the adsorption of these odors and gaseous contaminates.
Principle of Operation
Dirty Air | Collector | Clean Air |
Electronic Air Cleaning
Efficiency-Curves 1, 2 and 3
1.Overall DOP (Dioctylphthalate) efficiency using 10 Stage Cascade Impactor
2.ASHRAE Standard 52 Dust Spot Test Method Atmospheric Air
3.0.3 Micron DOP efficiency using 10 Stage Cascade Impactor
Pressure Drop Across Unit-Curves 4, 5 and 6
4.Cell with 40% open perforated plate front and rear
5.Cell with 1”metal mesh filter front and rear
6.Cell only