Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) is the system used by touch-tone telephones. DTMF assigns a
specific tone frequency to each key so a microprocessor can easily identify its activation. The radio
supports DTMF with a system model control head (Figure 6-1). This allows for specific tasks such as
entering a user ID and password, or selective calling.
When a key on the DTMF keypad is pressed, a single low-pitched tone will be heard from the
microphone. The key tones are not adjustable.
To perform a command from the key pad, press the * key followed by one of the pre-set function keys as
*0 Log-off command: *0## (logs the user off the system). See page 17 for additional information.
*1 Log-in command: *1<User ID> # <Password> ## (required for encryption). See page 16 for
additional information.
*4 Enter Scene of Incident Mode (SOI) on specified channel.
*7 Initiate Selective Alert command: *7<Target ID>#[Choose Message]#. See page 31 for
additional information.
*8 Radio-to-Radio Call command: Selective call number # (PTT to dial).
*9 Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Call command: See page 33 for additional
*32 Begin Manual Encryption command: *32<Pre-Determined Encryption Key of Up To 16
Digits># See page 36 for additional information.
*33 End Manual Encryption command.
6.14.1 Password Entry
Password entry requires a system model control head. Password characters are encrypted on the display
using symbols to indicate the entry. The encryption symbols for each entry will appear in the display as
they are scrolled through, for example: '-' and '+'. Press the # key twice to complete the entry process.
If the password is wrong, the radio will not successfully register with the network for
wide area voice reception. The radio can still be used in single-site mode.
6.14.2 DTMF Overdial
Using the keypad on a System Model, the radio can transmit DTMF tones corresponding to
numbers/characters 0 — 9, * and # on the keypad. To overdial numbers/characters, transmit by pressing
and holding the PTT button and then, press the corresponding keys (one at a time) on the keypad.