Wine Selection Suggestions
Selecting the right wine for the right occasion can sometimes be a seemingly awkward or difficult task for the beginning wine enthusiast. We would therefore like
to present you with a few suggestions which may provide a little more confidence and enjoyment when choosing and serving your wines.
When selecting wines, keep an open mind and do not be afraid to be adventurous. Do not view the subject of wine so seriously it discourages you from learning and discovering for fear of embarrassment if something is incorrect. Wine is best viewed as a hobby and enjoyed.
When assembling your collection, try not to become obsessed with “Vintages.” Although a chart can provide itself as a useful tool, generalizations about a specific year have led more than one collector to disappointment. In many instances an “Off Year” will provide a better value and more near term drinking enjoyment.
The primary guideline to the subject of wine you need to follow is your own palate. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Experiment, discover, but most of all, enjoy yourself and your new Wine Captain®.