Consult the dealer or an exp erienced
radio/TV technician for hel p.
FCC RF Exposure Information
is product complies with FCC rad ia-
tion exposure limits und er the follow-
ing conditions:
e base must be placed to allow a
minimum of 20 cm (8 inches) between
the antenna and all person s during
normal operation.
e base must not be collocated or
operated in conjunction with a ny other
antenna or transmitter.
e handset is designed for body-worn
operation and meets FCC RF exp osure
guidelines when used wit h any belt clip,
carrying case, or ot her accessory sup -
plied with this product. (A ll necessary
accessories are included in t he package;
any additional or optional acc essories
are not required for compliance wit h
the guidelines.) ird par ty accessorie s
(unless approved by the manufactu rer)
should be avoided as these might
not comply with FCC RF exposure
Industry Canada (I.C.) Notice
Terminal equipment
NOTICE: is equipment meets the
applicable Industry Cana da TerminalIndustry Canada Termina l
Equipment Technical Specicat ions.
is is conrmed by the regis tration
number. e abbreviation IC before
the registration number sig nies that
registration was perform ed based on a
Declaration of Conformity i ndicat-
ing that Industry Canad a technical
specications were met. It does not
imply that Industry Cana da approved
the equipment.
NOTICE: e Ringer Equivalenc e
Number (REN) for this termi nal equip-
ment is marked on the equipment itself .
e REN assigned to each term inal
equipment provides an indication o f
the maximum number of term inals
allowed to be connected to a telephone
interface. e terminati on on an inter-
face may consist of any combination of
devices subject only to the requ irement
that the sum of the Ringer Equ ivalence
Numbers of all the devices do es not
exceed 5.
Radio equipment
e term IC before the radio certi-
cation number only signie s that
Industry Canada tech nical specic a-
tions were met. Operation is subjec t
to the following two conditions : (1)
this device may not cause inter ference,
and (2) this device must accept any
interference, including inte rference
that may cause undesired operat ion of
the device. "Privacy of com munications
may not be ensured when using this
1-Year Limited WarrantyEvidence of original purchase is
required for warranty service .
warrants, for one year, to the orig inal
retail owner, this Uniden Produc t to
be free from defects in materi als and
crasmanship with on ly the limitation s
or exclusions set out below.
warranty to the origi nal user shall
terminate and be of no furt her eect
12 months aer the date of origin al
retail sale. e warra nty is invalid i f
the Product is (A) damaged or not
maintained as reasonable or ne cessary,
(B) modied, altered, or used as pa rt of
any conversion kits, subassembl ies, or
any congurations not sold by Uniden ,
(C) improperly installed, (D) serv iced
or repaired by someone other than a n
authorized Uniden servic e center for a
defect or malfunction cove red by this
warranty, (E) used in any conjunct ion
with equipment or parts or as pa rt of