t Reviewing Caller ID name/numbers
To review your Caller ID name/numbers, follow the steps below:
1. Press
call id
The following screen appears:
2. Press tto scan through the
The most recent name/number appears
first, with the date, time, call count,
name, and phone number. Press sto
scan backwards.
3. Once you have reviewed your oldest
name/number, the following
screen appears.
4. Press
to return to Standby.
Once you have viewed all of your Caller ID name/
numbers and reach End, the message list does not
cycle back to the beginning. You must press sto
view your previous name/numbers.
12/21 12:30P 03
Schlitz Maren
New : 01
Total : 15
exs9800 User's Manual.qxd 3/3/99 4:30 PM Page 28