Example: CH40 becomes active
If the received signal ceases, the unit will wait for at
least 3 seconds for the signal to return, otherwise
scanning resumes.
To skip the active channel, press [MEM]momentarily. Scanning resumes.
To deactivate SCAN, press the [SCAN]or [PTT].
1. If SCAN is deactivated while in an active channel, the UH-042XR will stay on that
active channel. If no other channels are active, the UH-042XR will reinstate the
starting channel.
2. Pressing [OS/GS] will switch to Group Scanning.
2. Group Scan (GS) Mode
To use GS Mode Scanning, press the [OS/GS]
key. GSicon appears on the display.
1. When [SCAN]is pressed
during Group Scan Mode, SCANicon will
flash and Group Scan Scanning begins.
2. To deactivate GS scan, press [SCAN]or [PTT].
1. If SCAN is deactivated while it is tuned to an
active channel, the UH-042XR will stay on that
active channel. If none of the channels are
active, the UH-042XR will reinstate the Priority
2. If GS Scanning is initiated when there are no channels programmed in GS
memory, an error tone will be heard and scanning will not start.
3. Pressing [OS/GS]will switch to Open Scanning.
bcl ctcss
dup scan