- 11 -
ALPHA mode
Press [ALPHA] key to toggle between normal
mode and alpha mode of keyboard. In alpha
mode, the cursor is an underscore sign and the
keyboard is available to input upper case
letters. In alpha mode, every numeric key
contains 3 characters individually. Pressing the
key [è]and [ç] to choose among three
available characters.
For example :
First press [ALPHA] to switch the system to
alpha mode, the cursor type will be changed
from block to underscore
To enter ‘A’, hit [ç] then [7].
To enter ‘B’, hit [7].
To enter ‘C’, hit [è] then [7].
1.4 Triggering Scanner Module
The PT600 can be used with a built-in integrated laser scanner module or
clip-on pen scanner module. The built-in decoder reads barcode labels of
all major bar code labels.
The user should keep laser window or tip of pen clean to prevent low
reading rate of distorted bar code input signal.