Page 2
The 5-way cursor
buttonsenables you
to both scroll lists of
artists, albums or
songs from your
Music Server on the
TRC-1280 touch
screen or to navi-
gate TV guides and
menus with ease.
The Main button
always displays the
Main menu pages.
The Page buttons
display additional
pages of controls.
The Volumeand
Mute buttons are
always available
regardless of what
screen is displayed.
Using the TRC-1280The TRC-1280’s Main Menu pages display the activities and devices
in your system. Press the Main page button to see what your choices
are. Large systems may have more than one page. Press either of the
Page buttons to see further options.
Gently press any screen button with your finger to select an activity
or a device. The screen will change to display the buttons you need
for that activity/device. The Page buttons may reveal additional buttons
for some devices and activities.
When you would like to control another device, press the Main or
Page buttons and select a new device from the Main page.