Troubleshooting the System
Motor Fails to Turn On:
•Check the main fuse or circuit breaker at the main power supply panel of your home. Reset breaker or replace fuses if necessary.
•Check the Power Unit reset button located above the power cord. Pressing the button should restore operation.
•If the circuit protector continues to trip off after a short period of time, the motor brushes may be worn out. Contact the qualified servicing dealer written on the front of this manual or locate an authorized dealer
Loss of Vacuum
If the system shows a loss of vacuum power, check the following:
•The hose may be clogged – To check if there is an obstruction, unplug the hose and insert an object that is smaller then the diameter of the hose (A butter knife works well). Pass the object completely through the hose, if it stops that will indicate where the obstruction is located. A dry garden hose can be inserted into the hose to help push the obstruction through.
•The Dirt Canister may not be properly seated to the gasket – Follow instructions for replacing under “bag removal & replacement”.
•Tube lines may be obstructed – First check the 90 degree elbow located directly behind the inlet valves, if an obstruction occurs it will usually not make it past this elbow. If the obstruction is not visible at the elbow, attempt to purge the tubing at each inlet valve. To do this, connect the hose and use your hand to stop airflow at the end of the hose for a couple seconds, let airflow resume. Repeat if necessary.
•If necessary, contact the qualified servicing dealer written on the front of this manual or locate an authorized dealer
Obtaining Service Under Warranty: To obtain repair on warranted parts contact the seller of the system with the power unit serial number.