Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual
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6.4 Rule ManagementTo create a custom set of rules, click the “User” radio button, then click New. The
“Rule Management” screen appears.
In this screen, the user can create a custom set of rules for a game or application
not listed in the Applications screen. Enter the “Rule Name,” “Protocol,” “Port
Start,” “Port End,” and “Port Map” in the appropriate text boxes, then click Apply.
The rules are summarized at the bottom of the screen, and the rule set will
appear in the Applications screen after clicking Back.
6.5 DMZ HostingSelecting DMZ Hosting in the “Security” screen generates the “DMZ Hosting”
screen. To use DMZ hosting, select the computer on the network to be used as a
DMZ host in the “DMZ Host PC Name” drop-down menu, then click On.