Page 37VM-3500E
9.4.2 Receiving an All Ships Call
1. When an all ships call is received, an emergency
alarm sounds.
The radio will automatically change to channel 16.
2. Press any key to stop the alarm.
3. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to see the MMSI
of the vessel transmitting the All Ships Call.
4. Monitor channel 16 or traffic channel until the UR-
GENCY voice communication is completed.
9.5 INDIVIDUAL CALLThis feature allows the VM-3500E to contact another vessel with a DSC VHF
radio and automatically switch the receiving radio to a desired communications
channel. This feature is similar to calling a vessel on CH16 and requesting to
go to another channel (switching to the channel is private between the two
9.5.1 Setting up the Individual Directory
The VM-3500E has a DSC directory that allows you to store a vessel or person’s
name and the MMSI number associated with vessels you wish to transmit Indi-
vidual calls.
To transmit an Individual call you must program this directory with information
of the persons you wish to call, similar to a cellular phones telephone directory.
1. Press and hold down the [CALL(MENU)] key until
“Radio Setup” menu appears.
2. Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select “DSC
Setup” menu.
3. Press the [ENT] key, then select “INDIV DIR” with the
CHANNEL selector knob.
4. Press the [ENT] key, then select “Add” with the CHAN-
NEL selector knob.
5. Press the [ENT] key.
6. Press the one of the Keypad keys to enter the first
letter of the name of the vessel or person you want to
reference in the directory.
Example: Press the [2(MEM)] key repeatedly to toggle
among the seven available charactors associated
with that key: A B C a b c 2.
If a mistake was made entering in the name, press-
ing the [CLR] key to delete the wrong character.