25. [N] Item Count Key
Calculations with item count and/or averaging. Also used to set the N count to Gross or Net.
26. [# / S] Date / Subtotal Key
#: It will print live entry as an identifier as an invoice number with “#” mark.
S :
27. [T]
28. [MT]
29. [MS] Memory Subtotal key
Prints but do not clear the memory.
30. [M-] Memory Minus key
Subtracts an amount from memory. If there is a live calculation pending, the Memory Minus key will complete the calculation and subtract the amount from Memory.
31. [M+] Memory Plus key
Adds an amount to memory. If there is a live calculation pending, the Memory plus key will complete the calculation and accumulate the result to Memory.
32. [⎟], [=] Square Root key
By pressing the ⎟ and then the = key, the square root result will be achieved.
Many problems such as no power, no key response etc. Can be resolved using the RESET button. Please follow these instructions:
1.Machine must be plugged in and ON, and in the PRINT mode.
2.Turn machine over so you can see the battery compartment.
3.Open the battery compartment and locate the RESET button located next to the silver battery.
4.Depress the RESET button; you will hear the machine cycle. If you do not hear the machine recycle, push the button a 2nd time.
5.Replace the battery compartment cover and turn the machine right side up.
6.Test the machine.
If this procedure has not successfully resolved your problem please call