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7. Display Modes
Resolution H Freq
(kHz) V Freq
(Hz) Resolution
H Freq
(kHz) V Freq
640 ×350 31.469 70.070 6
800 ×600
35.156 56.250
640 ×480 31.469 59.940 7
800 ×600
37.879 60.317
640 ×480 37.861 72.809 8
800 ×600
48.077 72.188
640 ×480 37.500 75.000 9
800 ×600
46.875 75.000
720 ×400 31.469 70.087
8. Dead Pixel Policy
Dead pixe ls on the TFT LC D panel are s ometi mes inev itable . ViewEra
guaran tees t hat t he mo nitor will be r eplace d if the n umber of d ead p ixels
on our monit or ex ceeds 5 pix els.
9. Warranty and Service Information
ViewEra warrants the V200T TFT-LCD TV monitor for three years for parts and
labor, one year for LCD panel and back light from the date of purchase. For detail
warranty information, please refer to our website.
Contact your ViewEra retailer or ViewEra for after sale service.
You may contact ViewEra Customer Support as below:
1. By Mail: 328 Paseo Tesoro, Walnut, CA 91789
2. By Telephone: (909)595-3748
3. By Fax: (909)595-3526
4. By E-mail: support@viewera.com
The business hours are 9:00 am – 6:00 pm PST, Mon – Fri.