False Alarms
For best detection, avoid installing in:
!Rooms with lined, insulating, or sound deadening drapes.
!Rooms with closed wooden window shutters inside.
For best false alarm immunity:
!Avoid 24-hour loop applications (perimeter loop OK).
!Don't use where white noise, such as air compressor noise, is
present (a blast of compressed air may cause a false alar m).
!Avoid rooms smaller than 3 x 3 m (10 x 10 ft) and rooms with
multiple noise sources such as small kitc hens, glass booths
noisy areas, garages, small bathrooms, etc.
Areas to avoid:
!Glass airlocks and glass vestibule areas
!Noisy kitchens
!Residential car garages
!Small utility rooms
!Small bathrooms
!Other small acoustically live rooms. For glass break protection
in such applications, use shock sensors on the windows or
window frames.
Do Not Install In Humid Rooms The Wireless MCT-501 is not
hermetically sealed. Excess moisture on the circuit board can
eventually cause a short and a false alarm.
Avoid 24-Hour Loop Applications The MCT-501 is
recommended for perimeter loops and is designed to function in
occupied area. In 24-hour loop applications, where the sensor i s
armed all day and all night, the false alarm prevention technology
will be pushed to its limit. Some sounds can duplicate the glass
break pattern the acoustic sensor detects.
Install the MCT-501 on a perimeter loop which is armed
whenever the door and window contacts are armed.
Protecting Occupied Areas
The false alarm immunity is best in rooms with only moderate
noise. For 24-hour occupied area protection, use shock sensors.
Proper Testing
The MCT-501 is designed to detect the breaking of framed glass
mounted in an outside wall. Testing the sensor with unframed
glass, broken bottles, etc., may not trip the s ensor. The sensor
typically does not trip to glass breaking in the middle of the room.
No burglar breaks glass in the middle of a room, s o such “breaks”
are false alarms.
NOTE: MCT-501 may not consistently detect cracks in glass, or
bullets which break through the glass. Glass-break sensors
should always be backed up by interior protection.
For best false alarm immunity the sensor should be located at
least 1.2 m (4 ft) away from noise sources (televis ions, speakers,
sinks, doors, etc.). The sensor must always be in direct line of
sight of all protected windows. It cannot consistently det ect glass
breaking around corners, in other rooms, etc. Front or back, up or
down orientation is not necessary.
3.2 Sound Travel Considerations
Since the sound of breaking glass travels directionally out from
the broken window, the best location for mounting the sensor i s
on the opposite wall - assuming the glass to be protected is within
the sensor's range and line of sight. The ceili ng and adjoining
(side) walls are also good sensor locations . A ceiling mounted
sensor will have better detection if positioned 2 - 3 m (6 - 10 ft)
away from the protected glass into the room.
As with all glass-break sensors, detection i s reduced with
same-wall mounting, since such detection is partially dependent
on glass break sound reflecting off the opposite wall. Test the
range with Sentrol 5709C unit held flat against the glass. There
may be a reduction in range, depending on room acoustics.
3.3 Preparing the Unit
A. Use a screwdriver to
separate the cover
from the base, as
shown in Figure 4.
You will find inside a
nylon bag with the
battery, two masonry
anchors (wall plugs)
and two mounting
screws. Figure 4. Opening the Unit
B. Get to know the
items indicated in
Fig. 5 - they are all
relevant to the steps
you will have to take
in the course of
C. Verify that all 4 DIP
switch levers are set
to OFF as shown in
Figure 6 below. If not
- set them all OFF. Figure 5. Inside View
Figure 6. DIP Switches - Correct Position
D. Insert the battery into the battery clips, as shown in Fi gures 7
and 8. Observe Polarity!
Figure 7. Battery Insertion
Use only Lithium Thionyl Chloride
battery (Tadiran TL-5902 or
Figure 8. Battery in Place
E. Click the tamper switch
once and release it to reset
the transmitter at power up.
Note: Since the cover is
removed and power is
applied, a tamper situation
exists. Verify that the
MCT-501 transmits (the
transmit LED lights briefly)
once every 3 minutes. Figure 9. Resetting the Unit