0150-0267A 1-7 Vista Solo
o Main Menu → Time/Date → Set Time
Time Setup
03 05 53
To set the Time:
1. With HH MM SS highlighted, press the Enter button. The highlighting
will move to the row of numbers.
2. Enter the time in Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. Use the to change
the values. Use the Arrow buttons to navigate among the three
3. Press the Enter button to confirm the selection.
4. To Save the changes and Exit the menu: Use the Arrow buttons
to select [OK], then press the Enter button.
5. To Exit the menu without making changes: Use the Arrow
buttons to select [CANCEL], then press the Enter button.
o Main Menu → Time/Date → Set Date
Date Setup
12 17 00 SUN
To set the Date:
1. With MM DD YY DAY highlighted, press the Enter button. The
highlighting will move to the row of numbers.
2. Enter the date in Months, Days, and Years. Day of the Week
will update automatically. Use the Arrow buttons to change
the values. Use the Arrow buttons to navigate among the
three fields.
3. Press the Enter button to confirm the selection.
4. To Save the changes and Exit the menu: Use the Arrow
buttons to select [OK], then press the Enter button.
5. To Exit the menu without making changes: Use the Arrow
buttons to select [CANCEL], then press the Enter button.
o Main Menu → Alarms
Alarms Menu
Hardwire Alarm : Enable
Alarm Buzzer : Enable
Use this menu to specify:
• Whether an alarm condition will be activated when the
unit detects a signal on the Alarm In connection.
• Whether the internal buzzer is activated during an
alarm condition.