Step 3: Running software application (for example: Windows NetMeeting)
To use Windows NetMeeting for videoconferencing:
1. Launch Windows NetMeeting.
(Start ➔ Programs ➔ Accessories ➔ Communications ➔ NetMeeting)
2. Click the Start video button to view live video.
3. Click the Place Call button.
4. Type the e-mail address or the network address of the computer that you are calling.
5. Click Call.
The person you are calling must have Windows NetMeeting running and also accept your call
to start the videoconference.
The video capture resolution is 320x240 pixels.
It is recommended that you use the AC power adapter while connecting the camera to
your computer for use of videoconferencing to avoid the camera power is shut down due
to no battery power.
When the camera is attached to your computer, all the functional buttons are disable
except the power I/O switch.
For more information about the operation of videoconference application software, refer
to its respective software help.