Classification of Functions

Group Blocking
Restricted Access
for Stations.
types of paging
are ranked by
Priority of station
paging over calls:
Length of calling tone
Length of paging
Automatic line
Station numbers
(sequencial station numbers):
max. of 8 groups
The following system are available:
(1) Group
is composed of station No.
paging call
can call group
can make zone No.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Zone 1
Zone 2
Restricted function:
(1) Conference
(2) All-call paging
(3) General purpose controls:
* One-shot make output
* Make/break output
* 8 selectable output
(or Decimal output)
* 4 decimal digits output
(1) Emergency all- cal l paging
(2) All-c all paging
(3) Zone paging
(4) Combination paging
(1) Usual call > Station paging
(2) When Paging priority is used
Station paging > Usual call
* Long: 1.3 sec.
* Short: 0.7 sec.
* Long: 2 sec.
* Short: 1 sec.
(1) During dialing: 5 sec.
(2) During privacy mode: 10 sec.
[1 ] A system can be divided so that a
group of stations (up to 8 groups
maximum) cannot call each other.
[2] Some or all of the stations in the group
can both call and receive calls from all
[3] One or a ll (all-ca ll, individual zone,
combination) paging modes can be used
by stations in the group.
Any station can be allowed to access to all
Call, Conference, General Purpose Control
and Executive priority.
[1 ] Paging call wit h the higher priority
interrupts paging of lower priority.
The lower priority paging is put through
afterwards. Priority is in the
following order: ( 1) >(2» (3) = (4)
[2] For paging messages with equivalent
priority, priority is given to the one ini-
tiated first and those initiated after are
put on camp-on-busy.
[ 1 ] Station paging is not heard at a station
when a call is already in progress.
[2] When a station is paged while a call is
in progress, the call is interrupted. A
holding tone is heard on the outside
until the paging message is finished.
User selects preferred length.
This function has been adopted to speed up
traffic processing and to improve the avail-
ability of speech paths.
All-call, Zone,
All-call, Zone
Combination paging
Combination paging




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