BatteryIt takes up to 16 hours for the batt ery to be fully charge d. When it is fully charg ed, you can
expect the following perfo rmance:
Operation Operating time
While in handset use (talking*) Up to eight hours
While in speakerphone mode (talk ing*) Up to ve hours
While not in use (standby**) Up to six days
*Operating times vary dependi ng on your actual use and the age o f the battery.
**Handset is not charging or in use.
The battery needs charging wh en:
A new battery is installed in the ha ndset.
The handset beeps every minute whi le on a call.
The handset beeps and LOW BATTERY appea rs on the handset screen.
PLACE IN CHARGER appears on t he handset screen.
A battery is properly install ed and the screen is blank .
To reduce the risk of re or injury, read and follow t hese instructions:
Use only the battery(ies) provided o r equivalent. To order a replacem ent, visit our website at
www.vtechphones.com or call 1 (80 0) 595-9511. In Canada, go to www.vtechca nada.com or call
1 (800) 267-7377.
Do not dispose of the battery(ie s) in a re. Check with local waste m anagement codes for
special disposal instruc tions.
Do not open or mutilate the battery(i es). Released electroly te is corrosive and might ca use
burns or injury to the eyes or skin. The e lectrolyte might be tox ic if swallowed.
Exercise care in handling batter ies in order not to create a short c ircuit with conduct ive materials.
Charge the battery(ies) provided w ith or identied for use wi th this product only in ac cordance
with the instructions and limi tations specied in th is manual.
Observe proper polarity or ientation between the ba ttery and metallic co ntacts.
To prevent re or shock hazard, do not expose th is product to water or any type o f moisture.