– 4 –
Floor models must clea r 6" (15 c m) from co mbustible  oors.
It is recomm ended that the charb roiler NOT be instal led next t o open bur ners or fry ers.
The installa tion locati on must allo w adequate clearances for servici ng and prope r operation . A
minimum fron t clearanc e of 24" ( 61 cm) is r equired.
Do not obstruct the ow of combustion and ventilati on air. Adequate clearance for air openings into the
combustion c hamber mus t be provid ed. Make su re there is an adequat e supply of air in the room to
replace air tak en out by the ve ntilating sy stem. Do not per mit fans to blo w directly at the charbroil er.
Avoid wall-t ype fans w hich creat e air cros s currents within the room.
Avoid open windows next to the charbroiler.
In the United States of America:
1. State and local codes.
2. National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI/Z223.1/NFPA #54 (latest edition). Copies may be obtained
from The American Gas Association, Accredited Standards Committee Z223 @ 400 N. Capital
St. NW, Washington, DC 2001 or the Secretary Standards Council, NFPA, 1 Batterymarch
Parch Quincy MA 02169-7471.
NOTE: In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
All gas appliances vented through a ventilation hood or exhaust system equipped with a
damper or with a power means of exhaust shall comply with 248 CMR.
3. Vapor Removal From Cooking Equipment, NFPA #96 (latest edition). Copies may be obtained
from The National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park Quincy MA 02169-7471.
4. National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA-70 (latest edition). Copies may be obtained from The
National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02169-7471.
In Canada:
1. Local codes.
2. CAN/CGA-B149.1 Natural G as Install ation Code (latest ed ition).
3. CAN/CGA-B149.2 Propane Installation Code (latest edition) , available from The Cana dian Gas
Association, 178 Rexda le Blvd., Etobicoke, Ontario, C anada M9W 1R3.
When the charbr oiler is moun ted on a cabinet , stand, or ove n base equippe d with casters , it must be
installed w ith the casters su pplied, a connector (not sup plied by Vulcan-Har t) comply ing with either
ANSI Z21. 69 (late st editi on) or CAN/CGA-6.1 6 (latest edition ), and a quick-d isconnect device
complying with either ANSI Z21.41 (latest edition) or CAN1-6.9 (latest edition ). Provide a gas line strain
relief to limit movement of the appliance without depen ding on the connector and any quick-disconn ect
device or it s associat ed piping to limit m ovement of the applia nce.
Should it be neces sary to disconnect the st rain reli ef, turn o the gas suppl y before disconnec tion.
Reconnect the str ain relief befo re turning the gas supply on and return ing the broiler to its installati on
Place a carpenter's level on the charbroil er. Level the charbroiler front to back and side to side. Unless
the charbroi ler is lev el, it wil l not give proper coo king resul ts.
Casters for the ca binet, stand , or oven base on whi ch the charbro iler can be mount ed are of the non-
adjustable type. Therefor e, the oor must be lev el. If oor surface is not lev el, th e charb roiler will
experience c ooking pro blems.