Post Test for Course #03-03
Power Brushes: An Effective Alternative
1.What features may influence individual preference for a power brush?
b)Handle size
c)Brush head configuration
d)All of the above
2.Which type of individual would NOT be a candidate for a power brush?
b)Periodontal maintenance
d)Physically challenged
3.When compared to a manual toothbrush, the SynchroSonic™ Plus power toothbrush:
a)Was better at removing biofilm but not at reducing gingivitis
b)Was better at reducing gingivitis but not at removing biofilm
c)Equal to the manual brush in biofilm removal and gingivitis reduction
d)Better than the manual brush at biofilm removal and gingivitis reduction
4.When the SenSonic® toothbrush and Sonicare® toothbrush were compared to a manual toothbrush, what were the results?
a)The SenSonic® toothbrush was superior in all measures to the Sonicare® toothbrush and the manual toothbrush
b)The Sonicare® toothbrush was superior in all measures to the SenSonic® toothbrush and the manual toothbrush
c)The SenSonic® toothbrush and Sonicare® toothbrush were both superior to the manual toothbrush
d)The manual toothbrush was superior to both the SenSonic® toothbrush and Sonicare® toothbrush
5.Which statement is true about the power toothbrush review by the Cochrane Collaboration?
a)One weakness of the study was grouping by modes of action
b)92 studies were included in the
c)Randomized clinical trials were excluded
d)Studies need to be a minimum of 6 months for inclusion