Waves GTR Solo User Guide 10
Beneath each Stomp effect slot, there is an arrow button which, when pressed,
displays the list of available Stomps. Selecting a Stomp from the list will assign
the selected effect to that Stomp effect slot. Right Clicking on an empty stomp
slot will also display the stomp selection menu. The pull-down menu also
features Delete, Move Right, and Move Left commands.
Click and drag on a Stomp effect’s controls to adjust its parameters.
Click on an area of a Stomp without controls to drag the Stomp to a new location
within the chain.
Change the location of the Amp within the chain by dragging it.
Double click on the Amp to open the Amp Page.
The Amp page shows the selected Amp and its controls with two main sections:
1. The Amp section to the left of each amp includes controls for Drive, Bass,
Mid, Treble, and Presence controls, whose response curves changes
according to the original hardware amp behavior. The Bass amp features
a Direct Mix control in place of the Presence control.
2. The Cabinet section of each amp includes controls for Cabinet and
Microphone setups, Cab Bypass and Air control.