3. If a Found New Hardware screen appears, click Cancel to close it.
The WD SmartWare software that is on the drive installs the proper driver for your
My Book drive.
4. Verify that the My Book drive appears under My Computer in Windows Explorer.
5. Several different screens might also appear, depending on your computer’s
operating system:
6. For Windows XP, one or two screens might appear, depending on whether the
AutoRun (AutoPlay) function is enabled or disabled:
a. On Windows XP with AutoRun (AutoPlay) enabled, the Welcome to
WD SmartWare screen displays (see Figure 14 on page 46).
b. On Windows XP with AutoRun (AutoPlay) disabled, click to open the My Book
drive listing in Windows Explorer and double-click the WD SmartWare application
file to display the Welcome to WD SmartWare screen (see Figure 14 on page 46).
7. Continue to “Getting Started with the WD SmartWare Software” on page 46.
If you do not want to install the WD SmartWare software, go to “Getting Started
Without the WD SmartWare Software” on page 56 instead.
8. For Windows Vista or Windows 7, two or three screens might appear, depending on
whether the AutoRun (AutoPlay) function is enabled or disabled:
a. On Windows Vista or Windows 7 with AutoRun (AutoPlay) enabled, click Open
folder to view files on the AutoPlay screen and double-click the WD SmartWare
application file to display the Welcome to WD SmartWare screen (see Figure 14
on page 46).
b. On Windows Vista or Windows 7 with AutoRun (AutoPlay) disabled, open
Computer, click to open the My Book drive listing in Windows Explorer and
double-click the WD SmartWare application file to display the Welcome to
WD SmartWare screen (see Figure 14 on page 46).
IF your operating system is . . . THEN . . .
Windows XP Proceed to step 6.
Windows Vista or Windows 7 Skip to step 8.
IF AutoRun (AutoPlay) is . . . on your computer, THEN . . .
Enabled Proceed to step a.
Disabled Skip to step b.
IF AutoRun (AutoPlay) is . . . on your computer, THEN . . .
Enabled Proceed to step a.
Disabled Skip to step b.