Wesuggestyou follow thesesteps:
1. Before calling for assistance ...
Performance problems often result from little things you can find and fix yoursetf without tools of any kind.
Air conditioner won’t run:
lIs unit plugged into a live circuit with proper vottage?
lIs switch turned on?
l Is Thermostat Control set correctly?
l Have you checked your home’s main fuses or circuit breaker box?
l Has the
lHas the local power failed?
2. If you need assIstance*...
Call Whlrlpool Consumer A&stance Center telephone number. Dlal free from anywhere In the U.S.:
and talk with one of our trained consultants. The consuttant can instruct you in how to obtain satisfactory operation from your appliance or, ii service is necessary, recommend a qualified service company in your area.
tf you prefer, wriie to:
Mr. Donald Skinner
Dir&or of Consumer Relations
Whirlpool Corporation
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Please include a daytime phone number in your correspondence.
Unit blows fuses or trlps circuit breaker:
l Are timedelay fuses being used?
lIs an extension cord being used? (Do not use an extension cord to run your alr wndl- tioner.)
l Are you waiting 3 minutes after turning cooling circuit off before trying to restart unit?
Unit turns on and off, or does not cool room:
lIs filter clean?
l Are coils clean (both evaporator [inside] and condenser [outside])?
l Is there excessive moisture or heat (open vessel cooking, showers, etc.)?
l Try setting fan to higher speed.
l Try setting Thermostat Control to a cooler setting.
Operating sounds:
When your rwm air conditioner is operatlng normally, you will hear sounds such as:
l Droplets of water hitting the condenser, causing a “pinging” or “clicking” sound. Water droplets help to cool the condenser.
l Air movement from the fan, especially on high fan speed setting.
l Clicks from the cooling cycle.
Sounds also may be caused by house construc-
3.If you need service*...
Whirlpool has a nationwide network of authorized
01~ WhirlpoolSM service compa- sEnvyx nies. Whirlpool service
wtechnicians are trained to fulfill the product warranty and provide after- warranty service, anywhere in the United States. To locate the authorized Whirlpool service company in your area, call our Consumer Assistance Center telephone number (see Step
2)or look in your telephone directory Yellow Pages under:
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