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To help you get the most from your new freezer
Before you freeze the first apple pie, you will want to know all about your new Whirlpool freezer. That’s what this Use and Care Guide is all about. It tells you how to start it, fill it, clean it...
even what to do if anything goes wrong. See handy
pulled out?
Interior light
Juice ~ con shelves
Model and serial number plate
Before you use your freezer
lBe sure your freezer is properly
installed in an appropriate level area and a place suitable for the size, function and protection of the freezer.
0 Properly connectto electricity.
l Remove the Consumer Buy Guide label before freezer is used.
l Do not remove TECH SHEET fastened behind the base grille. It contains technical information required by your service technician.
l Do not permit children to operate or play with the freezer.
lREMEMBER: Use the appliance only for the job it was designed to perform.
(See booklet, How to Preserve Foods the Modern Way with Your WHIRLPOOL Freezer, for complete information and tips on home freezing.)