To cancel the Minute Timer:
l Push the Min/Sec Timer button and turn the Set Knob until “0:OO”shows In the display.
l Qurckly push the Min/Sec Timer button twice.
Usingthe OvenOffbutton
The Oven Off button will cancel any command button except for the Mm/ Set Timer button. When the Oven Off button IS pushed, “Off”will show in the large display. The display WIIIthen show the trme of day or, If Minute Timer is also being used, the time remaining.
Usingthe oven
1.Posrtion the rack(s) properly before turnrng on the oven. To change rack position, Idi rack at front and pull out.
The rack(s) should be placed so
the top of the food will be centered in the oven. Always leave at least 1% to 2 Inches
2.Push the Bake button.