W1756/W1757 43" Wide-Belt Sander
Figure 20. Digital display and key pad.
Emergency Stop Plate
When pushed, the emergency stop plate, shown in Figure
19, stops the electricity to the motors and also applies an
air-disc brake to stop the sander immediately.
To use the emergency stop plate, push and hold it until
the sander has come to a complete stop.
Figure 19. Emergency stop plate.
Stop Plate
Keypad and DisplayKEEP the sanding drum V-belts correctly tensioned
(refer to Page 41). Otherwise, the sanding drum
pulley will slip when the emergency brake is applied
and not immediately stop the machine in the event
of an emergency!
NOTICEUsing the emergency stop system for daily machine
shutdown will wear out the sanding belts and the
brake pads. Inspect for any grease or oil on the brake
rotor, as oil reduces emergency braking ability.
You can push the UP or DOWN arrow keys to lift or lower
the table, or you can use the automated function of auto
height adjustment (Page 27) for your next sanding pass.
All functions are controlled through the key pad and are
presented on the digital display (see Figure 20).