Tested and
Color Technology
TekColor™ Dynamic Correction Provides accurate reproduction of commercial printing presses, inks, and digital photographic standards. Choose standard profiles for Commercial Press, SWOP Press (Specifications for Web Offset Publica- tions), SNAP Press (newsprint), or Euroscale Press; Toyo or DIC (Dai Nippon Ink); FujiProof or Photo; Simulate Display; or Vivid Color. With PhaserMatch™ software,* you can
*Requires Extended Features Option
Color Standards
Network Interfaces Standard: AppleTalk, parallel,
Memory 16 Mbytes standard, expandable to 64 Mbytes.
Image Processing Advanced
Language Genuine Adobe® PostScript® for cross- platform compatibility.
Input Trays Standard: Adjustable input tray accommodates 50 sheets of paper or transparencies. Optional: Lower Tray Assembly accommodates 50 sheets of paper or transparencies. Available in Letter- or
For Further Information
Call HAL for faxed information
1 800 835 6100 or 503 682 7450
Bulletin Board
Modem line to download latest printer drivers and software 503 685 4504
Worldwide Web: http://www.tek.com/Color_Printers/
Product Information: information@ColorPrinters.tek.com
Technical Support: support@ColorPrinters.tek.com
America Online: Keyword: Tektronix
CompuServe: Go: Tektronix
USA and CanadaTel: 1 800 835 6100 | Fax: 503 682 2980 | |
| or 503 682 7377 |
Argentina | Tel: 54 1 300 5430 | Fax: 54 1 300 5427 |
Australia | Tel: 02 9888 0100 | Fax: 02 9888 0125 |
| HAL: 1800650633 02 8780332 | |
Austria | Tel: +44 1628 403627 |
| Fax: +44 1628 403617 |
Belgium and Luxembourg |
| |
| Tel: 02 715 89 80 | Fax: 02 725 99 53 |
Brazil | Tel: 55 11 3741 6366 | Fax: 55 11 3741 8580 |
Canada | Tel: 416 747 5000 | Fax: 416 747 9799 |
Caribbean | Tel: 561 692 9900 | Fax: 561 692 0050 |
Chile | Tel: 56 2 235 1190 | Fax: 56 2 235 3612 |
Paper and Transparencies
Letter Extra Paper, ColorSeal™, and
(Accommodates a single page,
9.6 x 13.3 ins. (243 x 337 mm)
Image Area
8.3x 10.5 ins. 204 x 283 mm
Image Area
9.3x 12.7 ins. (237 x 323 mm)
Printer Drivers Standard: PC and Macintosh; PhaserPrint™
Fonts 39 resident fonts. Additional fonts may be downloaded in memory;
China |
Beijing | Tel: 8610 6235 1186 | Fax: 8610 6235 1236 |
Chengdu | Tel: 8628 558 6771 | Fax: 8628 554 4631 |
Guangzhou | Tel: 8620 8335 8024 | Fax: 8620 8384 2950 |
Shanghai | Tel: 8621 6471 0330 | Fax: 8621 6471 0282 |
Denmark | Tel: 44 850 700 | Fax: 44 850 701 |
Ecuador | Tel: 593 2 503 444 | Fax: 593 2 503 463 |
European (other), Africa, and Near East |
| |
| Tel: +44 1628 403627 |
| Fax: +44 1628 403617 |
Egypt | Tel: 0261 9291 | Fax: 0261 4131 |
Transfer Roll | Print Speed |
1.75 minutes | |
ColorSeal (CMY with UV Coating) |
100 prints | 3 minutes |
2.3 minutes | |
Black 200 prints | 1 minute |
Connectivity Macintosh, Windows/DOS PCs, OS/2, and UNIX.
Warranty TekColor CareSM, our comprehensive support system, provides technical support via the World Wide Web,
*Pantone Inc.’s
Finland | Tel: 90 4783 400 | Fax: 90 47834200 |
France | Tel: 1 69 86 81 81 | Fax: 1 69 07 09 37 |
| or 1 69 86 80 71 (CPID) |
Germany | Tel: 0221 94770 | Fax: 0221 9477285 |
Gulf Region | Tel: +971 2 318 813 | Fax: +971 2 348 848 |
Hong Kong | Tel: 852 2585 6688 | Fax: 852 2598 6260 |
India | Tel: 91 80 227 5577 | Fax: 91 80 227 5588 |
Israel | Tel: 972 3 645 8777 | Fax: 972 3 645 8733 |
Italy | Tel: 02 25086.499 | Fax: 02 25086.480 |
Japan | Tel: 3 3448 3028 | Fax: 3 3448 3669 |
Korea | Tel: 82 2 528 5299 | Fax: 82 2 528 5377 |
Kuwait | Tel: 02 436 045 | Fax: 02 437 700 |
Malaysia | Tel: 60 3 737 0441 | Fax: 60 3 736 9048 |
Mexico | Tel: 52 5 628 1000 | Fax: 52 5 649 1530 |
| or 52 5 262 1800 | 52 5 262 1870 |
New Zealand | Tel: 64 9 415 6928 | Fax: 64 9 415 6939 |
Norway | Tel: 22 07 07 00 | Fax: 22 07 07 07 |
The Phaser 450 color printer is available in a base configuration or with factory installed Extended Features.
Phaser 450 | Base Configuration | With Extended Features |
Memory | 16 MB | 64 MB |
Letter Extra | Requires 32 MB | Standard |
| |
Ethernet Interface | Optional | Standard |
TekColor Dynamic | Commercial, SWOP, | Commercial, SWOP, |
Correction Profiles | SNAP, Euroscale, Photo | SNAP, Euroscale, Photo, |
| FujiProof, Toyo, DIC |
PhaserMatch Software | – | Yes |
See your authorized Tektronix dealer for additional ordering information for accessories, supplies, and extended service plans.
Tektronix® and Phaser® are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. TekColor™, PhaserPrint™, Photofine™, PhaserMatch™, and ColorSeal™ are trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. TekColor CareSM is a service mark of Tektronix, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective manufacturers. Catalog cover courtesy Alaskan Harvest. Helicopter image courtesy EDS Unigraphics. Package design courtesy Extensis Corporation. Transparency image courtesy Freightliner Corporation. PANTONE® Colors generated by the Phaser 450 color printer are
1/97 |
Puerto Rico | Tel: 809 792 5139 | Fax: 809 783 5777 |
Russia | Tel: +7 095 956 6593 | Fax: +7 095 234 3801 |
Saudi Arabia | Tel: 01 477 1650 | Fax: 01 478 5140 |
Singapore | Tel: 65 356 3900 | Fax: 65 356 4482 |
South Africa | Tel: 27 11 444 7716 | Fax: 27 11 444 6650 |
Spain | Tel: 1 3726012 | Fax: 1 3726048 |
Sweden | Tel: 08 629 65 01 | Fax: 08 629 65 08 |
Switzerland | Tel: 041 711 91 92 | Fax: 041 711 77 84 |
Taiwan | Tel: 886 2 7656362 | Fax: 886 2 7674360 |
Thailand | Tel: 66 2 3082900 | Fax: 66 2 3083003 |
The Netherlands Tel: 023 5695555 | Fax: 023 5695500 | |
United Kingdom Tel: 01628 403600 | Fax: 01628 403617 |