Feature Implementation Values
<ESC>&l int A Where int is one of the following:
27: A3 (297 x 420mm)
26: A4 (210 x 297mm)
25: A5 (180 x 210mm)
46: B4 (257 x 364mm)
45: B5 (182 x 257mm)
41: Statement (5.5 x 8.5”) †
1: Executive (7.25 x 10.5”)
2: Letter (8.5 x 11”)
18: 8.5 x 13”
3: Legal (8.5 x 14”)
6: Tabloid (11 x 17”)
81: No. 10 Envelope (4.1 x 9.5”)
90: DL Envelope (110 x 220mm)
80: Monarch Envelope (3.9 x 7.5”)
91: C5 Envelope (162 x 229mm)
101: Custom paper
†: Whether each paper is available depends
on NV memory setting.
The following paper sizes are only available with
bi-pass tray.
24: A6 (105 x 148mm)
44: B6 (128 x 182mm)
200: A4 Cover (223 x 297mm)
216: Postcard (4 x 6")
204: 5 x 7”
208: 8 x 10”
43: 215 x 315mm
201: 9 x 11”
217: 11 x 15”
71: Postcard (100 x 148mm)
72: Postcard (148 x 200mm)
218: Envelope (120 x 235mm)
= value Where value is one of the following:
TRAY1: Feed from paper tray1
TRAY2: Tray2
TRAY3: Tray3
TRAY4: Tray4
SMH: Tray5 (Bypass)
TRAY6: Tray6
Customer Support Page 5