Third Party Tools
Third Party Tools
EDK is designed to work with some third party tools that you can separately obtain and set up. This section provides some information on these tools.
IBM CoreConnect Toolkit
EDK is designed to integrate seamlessly with the IBM® CoreConnect™ Toolkit. This toolkit is not included with EDK, but is required if bus functional simulation is desired.
The toolkit provides a number of features that enhance design productivity. To obtain the toolkit, you must have a license for the IBM CoreConnect Bus Architecture. Licensing CoreConnect provides access to a wealth of documentation, Bus Functional Models, Hardware IP, and the CoreConnect Toolkit.
Xilinx provides a
Once the request is approved (typically within 24 hours), you will receive an email granting access to the protected web site. You can then download the toolkit.
You can also get the CoreConnect license directly from IBM.
For further documentation on the CoreConnect Bus Architecture, refer to the IBM
CoreConnect website at http://www.ibm.com/chips/products/coreconnect.
Installation Directory Structure
The installed image of EDK is organized into the following directories, where <edk_install_dir> is the location of the root of the EDK image.
Table 1: EDK Directories
Directory | Description |
$XILINX_EDK/ | This directory is the EDK installation root directory. |
bin/ | This directory contains the embedded system tools |
| application executables. |
| The EDK installer has already set up your environment |
| variables to include the executables of the embedded system |
| tools that reside in the bin directory. |
board/ | This directory contains board description files. |
| The boards directory provides board files for Xilinx boards, |
| which are required by the Base System Builder for creating |
| embedded systems. Board files for partner boards must be |
| obtained directly from the partners. |
cygwin/ | This directory contains the Cygwin portability layer |
| (available only on Windows platforms). |
doc/ | This directory contains the EDK documentation. |
| All |
| Refer to “Documentation” on page 8. |
Getting Started with EDK | www.xilinx.com | 7 |
EDK 9.2i