Verification Notes
The command line in the batch script invokes the following processes in this order:
1.A DOS window is spawned.
2.A Perl script (MotionEstimation_Verification.pl) is called, which sets up the required test(s) in order with the appropriate parameters.
This Perl script calls functions in the
3.The executable uses the video sequences in \InputSequences as input.
4.This code generates the stimulus files:
…and the expected output reference file:
\Verification\MotionEstimation\Level1\Testxx\ MotionEstimation_...out.x
5.ModelSim is then called in batch mode (no GUI is invoked with the release) which generates the HW simulation output file:
\Verification\MotionEstimation\Level1\Testxx\ MotionEstimation_...out.txt
6.This file is then compared to the reference output file generated previously and a DOS report given. The results are also summarized in:
\Verification\MotionEstimation\ EncoderVerification_Summary_Level1.txt
Note: The whole process takes some time. For QCIF (176 x 144), it should take at least a 15 minutes to run two frames on a modern laptop. This time increases for tests that bring extra complexity into the stimulus generation, for example, formats with increased frame size, main and high profile settings, etc.
Verification Notes
When test number is set to 0 in the batch script file, all tests are run in sequence from 1 to
10.When doing this, by default, all tests are run regardless of whether they have been run in the past. If some tests have already been run, but some others have not been run or their results deleted, then the user may wish to run only the remaining tests. The user can do this by editing the MotionEstimation_Verification.pl script, commenting out the line:
$ForceRegenerateAll = "1";
Use ‘#’ to comment).
Also, if you want to take this approach, but rerun one or some tests selectively, delete the test directory of the test(s) you want to rerun:
and rerun the script.
H.264 Motion Estimation Engine | www.xilinx.com | 25 |
UG453 (v1.1) April 23, 2008