Failure to avoid the following potentially hazardous situations may result in injury or property damage.
Use the GXM 30 only as a navigational aid. Do not attempt to use the GXM 30 for any purpose requiring precise measurement of direction, distance, location, or topography. This product should not be used to determine ground proximity for aircraft navigation.
Notice to State of California Drivers: California Vehicle Code Section 26708 (a) (1) provides that “No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed, or applied upon the windshield or side or rear windows.” Drivers in California should not use the suction mount on their windshield or side or rear windows. Garmin does not take any responsibility for any fines, penalties, or damages that may be incurred as a result of disregarding this notice.
iv | GXM 30 XM Radio Smart Antenna Owner’s Manual |