Chapter5—Recording on the AW4416
— Operation Guide 81
Assign the signals to buses
When the AW4416 is in the initial state, bus outputs 1–8 of the mixer section are
patched as follows to tracks 1–16 of the recorder. In our example here, we will
assign the signal from the rhythm machine (or drum mics) input via input chan-
nels 1/2 to buses 1/2 and send to them to tracks 1/2 of the recorder.
1. Press the [PAN] key [F1] key.
The PAN/ROUTE screen Pan 1–16 page will appear. In this page you can assign
input channels 1–16 to buses (stereo bus, buses 1–8) and make pan settings.
2. Use the CURSOR [ ]/[ ]/[ ]/[ ] keys to move the cursor to the input
channel 1 area. Turn the ST button off, and turn the bus assign 1/2 but-
tons on.
With these settings, the signal of input channel 1 will not be sent to the stereo
bus, but will be sent instead to buses 1–2. The ST button and bus assign 1/2 but-
tons of input channel 2 (which is paired with input channel 1) will follow these
To switch an on-screen button on/off, move the cursor to the button and press the
[ENTER] key.
3. Move the cursor to the PAN knob of input channel 1, and set the pan to
far left (L16).
The PAN knob sets the stereo position between the L/R channels of the stereo
bus, and pans between odd-numbered buses and even-numbered buses of bus
1–8. In this example, the signal will be sent only to bus 1 if you rotate the PAN
knob to the far left.
Buses 1–8
Mixer section Recorder section
input patch
Tracks 1–8
Tracks 9–16
ST button
PAN knob
Bus assign
1–8 buttons