Chapter5—Recording on the AW4416
80 — Operation Guide
6. If you wish to set the input signals of INPUT jacks 1/2 as a stereo pair,
hold down [SEL] key 1 and press [SEL] key 2.
Adjacent odd-numbered even-numbered input channels can be specified as a
stereo pair. You will find it convenient to pair two channels that are inputting a
stereo source, so that all mix parameters except for attenuation and pan will be
When you simultaneously press the two [SEL] keys, a CHANNEL PAIRING popup
window will appear, allowing you to specify how pairing will occur.
7. Move the cursor to either the “INPUT 12,” “INPUT 21,” or “RESET
BOTH” button, and press the [ENTER] key.
One of the following can be selected as the pairing method.
INPUT xy (x=odd number, y=even number)
The parameters (except for attenuation and pan) of the odd-numbered channel
will be copied to the even-numbered channel.
INPUT yx (x=odd number, y=even number)
The parameters (except for attenuation and pan) of the even-numbered channel
will be copied to the odd-numbered channel.
The parameters of both channels will be reset to their initial settings.