Chapter5—Recording on the AW4416
78 — Operation Guide
Recording the first tracks
This section explains the procedure for recording a rhythm machine (or drum
mics) connected to INPUT jacks 1/2 onto tracks 1/2 of the recorder.
The explanation in this section assumes that the AW4416’s mixer and patching
settings are in their initial state. If you have already modified the mixer parame-
ters or the input/output patching, please recall the default scene (scene number
00) from the scene memory (
Set the input level
1. While producing sound on your instrument, adjust [GAIN] controls 1/2
so that the PEAK indicators of INPUT jacks 1/2 light briefly when the
loudest sounds are played.
The [GAIN] control adjusts the sensitivity of the analog input. In order to record the
sound cleanly and with the widest possible range, you should adjust the [GAIN] as
high as possible without allowing clipping to occur.
2. Press the [HOME] key [F1] key
The HOME screen 1–24/Rtn page will appear. This page shows the input levels of
input channels 1–24 and return channels 1/2.
3. In the MIXING LAYER section, press the [1–16] key to select input chan-
nels 1–16 as the mixing layer.