Auto Bass Chord (ABC)
Chord Assist
The Chord Assist function is essentially an electronic “chord book” that will show you appropriate
fingerings for chords you enter via the display. The fingerings are indicated via the keyboard guide lamps,
and correspond to those recognized in the ABC Fingered mode. You can also play chords on the keyboard
in the same way as in the ABC Fingered mode.
ZSelect the Chord Assist Function...................................................
Press the CHORD ASSIST LCD button in the ABC MODE pop-up
XStart the Accompaniment .......................................................................
Start the accompaniment by using any of the methods described on
pages 30 and 31.
CEnter the Chord Root ...................................................................................
Press the ROOT LCD button to select the desired chord root, or use
the data dial or [+]/[–] buttons once the ROOT parameter is selected.
VEnter the Chord Type....................................................................................
Use the TYPE ▲ and ▼ LCD buttons to select the chord type. The
data dial and [+]/[–] buttons can also be used once the TYPE parameter
is selected.