Utility Functions
■ 07: Save Individual Key Tuning
This function saves the current individual key tuning data set up via the “Individual Key Tuning” function (page 60) to
disk. The data can then be reloaded at any time by using the Load Individual Key Tuning function, described next.
ZInsert a Disk & Select the Save Individual Key Tuning Function.......................................................
Insert a properly formatted disk into the Clavinova disk drive, then select the
Save Individual Key Tuning function — see “Selecting & Using the Utility Func-
tions”, page 42.
⁄¤‹›‚07 IND. KEY −> DISK
■ 09: Save Custom Rhythm
This function saves all the 12 current Custom Rhythm data created via the CVP-89’s Custom Rhythm programmer (page
24) to disk. The data can then be reloaded at any time by using the Load Custom Rhythm function, described next.
ZInsert a Disk & Select the Save Custom Rhythm Function ................................................................
Insert a properly formatted disk into the Clavinova disk drive, then select the
Save Custom Rhythm function — see “Selecting & Using the Utility Functions”,
page 42.
XSelect a Song Number & Execute the Function ..................................................................................
Custom rhythm data can be saved to a blank song number or one that already
contains performance memory data.
Use the TEMPO [s] and [t] buttons to select the song number to which you want
to save the custom rhythm data, then press the [START/STOP] button to actually
begin saving the data. Simply release the [UTILITY] button before pressing the
[START/STOP] button if you want to cancel the function.
The custom rhythm data is saved to one song file on the disk. The Save Custom
Rhythm function will automatically be exited when the data has been saved.
⁄¤‹›‚09 C.RHYTHM −> DISK
XSelect a Song Number & Execute the Function ..................................................................................
Individual key tuning data can be saved to a blank song number or one that
already contains performance memory data.
Use the TEMPO [s] and [t] buttons to select the song number to which you want
to save the individual key tuning data, then press the [START/STOP] button to
actually begin saving the data. Simply release the [UTILITY] button before press-
ing the [START/STOP] button if you want to cancel the function.
The tuning settings are saved to one song file on the disk. The Save Individual
Key Tuning function will automatically be exited when the data has been saved.
■ 08: Load Individual Key Tuning
This function reloads the individual key tuning data saved to disk by the Save Individual Key Tuning function, described
ZInsert a Disk & Select the Load Individual Key Tuning Function ......................................................
Insert the disk containing the individual key tuning data you want to load into
the Clavinova disk drive, then select the Load Individual Key Tuning function —
see “Selecting & Using the Utility Functions”, page 42.
XSelect a Song Number and Execute the Function...............................................................................
Use the TEMPO [s] and [t] buttons to select the song number from which
you want to load the individual key tuning data, then press the [START/STOP]
button to actually begin loading the data. “NO DATA!” will appear on the display if
you select a song that contains no data. Simply release the [UTILITY] button be-
fore pressing the [START/STOP] button if you want to cancel the function.
The Load Individual Key Tuning function will automatically be exited when the
data has been loaded. The Individual Key Tuning function (UTIL 32) will then be
automatically engaged with the loaded tuning, unless the loaded data is the same as
that currently in the CVP-89.
⁄¤‹›‚08 DISK −> IND. KEY