Chapter 3—Digital I/O Cards
DA824—Owner’s Manual
3 Digital I/O Cards
About Digital I/O Cards
For digital input, the DA824 uses optional mini YGDAI (Yamaha General Digital Audio
Interface) cards, which are available in all the popular digital audio interconnect for-
mats, including AES/EBU, ADAT, and Tascam TDIF-1.
The following digital I/O cards are currently available. See the Yamaha Professional
Audio Web site at the following address for up-to-date news on mini YGDAI cards:
The MY8-AT card provides ADAT format digital I/O via two MultiChannel Optical
Digital Interface connectors, and supports 16-, 20-, and 24-bit wordlengths.
The MY8-AE card provides AES/EBU format digital I/O via a 25-pin D-sub connector,
and supports 16-, 20-, and 24-bit wordlengths.
MY8-TD—Tascam TDIF-1
The MY8-TD card provides Tascam TDIF-1 format digital I/O via a 25-pin D-sub con-
nector, and supports 16-, 20-, and 24-bit wordlengths. A BNC connector is provided
for wordclock output.
MY8-TD cards feature a device selector switch (EXT: 88/INT: 38) that should be set to
match the device being connected. This should be set to “EXT: 88” when connecting a
Tascam DA-88, or “INT: 38” when connecting a Tascam DA-38, DME32, or other
Card Specifications
The following table provides specifications for the DA824-compatible I/O cards.
Card Format In Out Wordlength Connectors
MY8-AT ADAT I/O 8 8 16, 20, 24 Optical x2
MY8-AE AES/EBU I/O 8 8 16, 20, 24 25-pin D-sub
(cable not included)
MY8-TD Tascam TDIF-1 I/O 8 8 16, 20, 24 25-pin D-sub,
BNC wordclock out