Voice Mode
The parameters for LFO2 Sync are the same as for
LFO1 Sync. For an explanation, see page 100.
The parameters for LFO2 Delay are the same as for
LFO1 Delay. For an explanation, see page 100.
The parameters for LFO2 Fade are the same as for
LFO1 Fade. For an explanation, see page 101.
The parameters for LFO2 Speed are the same as for
LFO1 Speed. For an explanation, see page 101.
Sets the phase of the LFO frequency modulation
wave at which a key is pressed.
As shown in the diagram below, the values 0-3
correspond to phase degrees as follows: 0 , 90, 180,
and 270, respectively.
Settings: 0~3
Dest (Destination)
Selects the objects to be modulated by the LFO2
Settings: 00: OFF
01: volume
02: pan
03: pitch
04: LFO1speed
05: LFO1 PMD
06: LFO1 AMD
07: LFO1 FMD
Sets the depth of the LFO2 wave modulation.
Settings: 0~127
[F7]: CTRL (Controller)
The Controller parameters set the Controllers. Starting
with the [PITCH] wheel on the front panel, various
controllers can be set for each element. There are two
menus available.
[F7]: PITCH (Pitch Control)
[F8]: SET (Controller Set)
[F3]: [REMAP]
[F7]: PITCH (Pitch Control)
Sets parameters for pitch bend and portamento. A
different value can be set for each element.
Pitch Bend Upper
Sets the degree of pitch change in semitones (half
steps) when the [PITCH] wheel is moved in an
upwards direction. For example, a value of +12
means that moving the [PITCH] wheel upwards can
raise the pitch a maximum of one octave.
Settings: –48~0~+24
Pitch Bend Lower
Sets the degree of pitch change in semitones (half
steps) when the Pitch Bend Wheel is moved in a
downwards direction. For example, a value of –12
means that moving the [PITCH] wheel downwards
can lower the pitch a maximum of one octave.
Settings: –48~0~+24
Port Sw (Portamento Switch)
Turns the portamento “on” and “off.” Portamento
creates a smooth glide in pitch from one note to the
next. Portamento is a common function equally
applied to all elements.
Settings: off, on
Port Time (Portamento Time)
Sets the time of the pitch glide between successively
played notes. Higher settings result in a longer
(slower) glide.
Settings: 0~127
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:30 AM Page 103