HarmonyThe Harmony section features a variety of performance effects that enhance the melo-
dies you play when using the accompaniment styles of the EZ-30.
Some Harmony types add harmony to a chord detected in the left-hand key range
(accompaniment key range).
Press the left Overall button repeatedly to select “Harmony,” and use the numeric key-
pad or the [+]/[–] buttons to select a Harmony type.
Selecting “27” turns the Harmony section off.
[Harmony Type List]
•Harmony types 1–5 add harmony that matches the accompaniment chords.
•The speed of the Trill, Tremolo, and Echo effects depends on the Tempo setting.
•For more information on Harmony Types, see page 97.
•Harmony is added to only one note. If you play multiple keys, harmony notes are
added based on the highest note or the last note you played.
•The Harmony function is disabled when you use the Dictionary function or the
Lesson function.
•You can instantly restore the default setting by pressing both [+]/[–] buttons
simultaneously (when Harmony is selected).
No. Harmony Type No. Harmony Type
1 Duet 15 Tremolo 1/8 note
2 Trio 16 Tremolo 1/12 note
3 Block 17 Tremolo 1/16 note
4 Country 18 Tremolo 1/24 note
5 Octave 19 Tremolo 1/32 note
6 Trill 1/4 note 20 Echo 1/4 note
7 Trill 1/6 note 21 Echo 1/6 note
8 Trill 1/8 note 22 Echo 1/8 note
9 Trill 1/12 note 23 Echo 1/12 note
10 Trill 1/16 note 24 Echo 1/16 note
11 Trill 1/24 note 25 Echo 1/24 note
12 Trill 1/32 note 26 Echo 1/32 note
13 Tremolo 1/4 note 27 Off
14 Tremolo 1/6 note