20 Recording & Mixing Techniques
MD4—Owner’s Manual
1. To set the Recording mode, press the [UTILITY] button and use the [] and
[®] SELECT buttons to select the Rec Mode function.
2. Press the [ENTER] button.
The display shows 4TRX2TRXMONO
3. Use the [] and [®] SELECT buttons to select a Recording mode.
Only the 2TR and MONO modes can be selected when a MiniDisc is loaded.
4. Press the [UTILITY] button to exit the Rec Mode function.


1. Press the [REC] button to engage Record Pause mode.
The display shows the number of the new song and NEWXREC. This is Record Pause mode.
Initially, all tracks that can be recorded in the current Recording mode are selected, as shown
by the flashing circles around the track indicators. You cannot deselect all tracks for a new
recording. At least one track is always selected.
2. Use the REC SELECT buttons to select tracks for recording.
You can check the available recording time using the REMAIN Time Counter mode. Press the
[TIME DISPLAY] button repeatedly until REMAIN appears on the display.
3. Press the [PLAY] button to start recording.
Recording starts and the Time Counter starts counting.
4. When youve nished, press the [STOP] button.
Recording stops. Recording stops automatically when all available disc space is used up.
5. Press the [TOC WRITE] button to update the TOC.
The TOC is updated.
Titling Discs & Songs
When a disc with a title is first loaded into MD4, the title appears on the display for a few seconds
and then scrolls off to the left. When a song with a title is selected, the title appears on the display
next to the song number. Titles make it easy to identify discs and songs.
1. Press the [UTILITY] button and use the [] and [®] SELECT buttons to select
the Text function.
2. Press the [ENTER] button.
3. Use the [] and [+] DATA buttons to select the disc title (DSC) or a song.
4. Press the [®] SELECT button.
5. Use the [] and [+] DATA buttons to set characters and the [] and [®]
SELECT buttons to position the cursor within the title.
The following characters are available.
Spaces are available between character rows. Use the [CLEAR] button to delete characters.
6. When youve nished, press the [TOC WRITE] button to update the TOC.