2) Bank-Select MSB adds an SFX bank
The Bank-Select LSB method is not useful for extension of distinctive SFX voices that
have no meaningful variation. For this reason the XG format supports a full SFX bank
of extension effects, which you can select by sending a Bank-Select MSB value of 40H.
Bank-Select MSB 7EH or 7FH, in contrast, can be used to set any channel to rhythm-
part play.
Voice Modification: The XG format allows creation of extremely expressive control data
that can darken or lighten voices, delay or accelerate sound start-up, or implement many
other types of control. Most controls are issued by Control Change commands, although
System Exclusive messages are also used.
Effects: The XG format offers high-level effects support, enabling control of effects types,
circuit operation, and internal parameter settings for both basic and elaborate effects. De-
vices equipped with graphic equalizers will be able to modify ambience and sound to suit
the specific type of music being played.
External Input: Whereas existing tone generators create sound in response to internal data
only, the XG format provides for real-time participation by adding support for input of exter-
nal audio signals. External signals can be processed by the mixer in the same way as internal
tone-generator data. A model that supports this function would allow you, for example, to cre-
ate karaoke data that can automatically set the microphone echo used for playback.
New MIDI messages not available under GM format
1. Control Change
Bank Select
Portamento Time
Soft Pedal
Harmonic Content
Release Time
Attack Time
Portamento Control
Effects Send Level 1 (Reverb)
Effects Send Level 2 (Chorus)
Effects Send Level 3 (Variation)
NRPN Part Parameter Control
All Sound Off
2. Channel Mode Messages
3. Polyphonic Aftertouch