4. Control Change
Status: BnH
If multipart parameter “Rcv CONTROL CHANGE” is OFF, the part will continue to accept
Channel Mode messages but will ignore all other Control Change messages.
Bank Select MSB/LSB: 00H/20H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
0 Bank Select MSB 0:Normal 64:SFX voice 126:SFX kit 127:Drum
32 Bank Select LSB 0 to 127
Default: 00 00H
If multipart parameter “Rcv BANK SELECT” is OFF, the part ignores this message.
The new bank selection does not become effective until receipt of the next Program
Change message.
The Bank-Select MSB selects melody voice, SFX voice, or rhythm kit. It allows any channel
as opposed to just channel 10 to be designated for rhythm play.
Bank-Select MSB values are as follows.
00H: Melody voice
01H to 3FH: not used
40H: SFX voice
41H to 7DH: not used
7EH: SFX kit (SFX voices arranged over keyboard)
7FH: Rhythm kit (Rhythm voices arranged over keyboard)
The Bank-Select LSB selects from the extended melody-voice set. (SFX-kit and rhythm-kit
voices do not currently support Bank-Select LSB extension sets.) Each bank is set for a spe-
cific type of variation, simplifying retrieval of the desired voice. Extension voices, like basic
voices, are associated with voice names (see MU50 Sound List & MIDI Data booklet). Other
banks and voices may be added in the future.
An XG machine need not support all LSB-selectable extension voices listed in the MU50 Sound List & MIDI Data
booklet. If support is included for one or more voices in an extension bank, however, all the other Program Change
Numbers in that bank are filled with the corresponding Bank #0 voice (basic voice).
Note 1: Under default selection, Channel 10 plays rhythm voices, while other channels take Bank 1 melody voices.
(Same as GM-system Level 1)
Note 2: Receipt of Bank-Select LSB/MSB does not immediately change the voice. The channel stores the received
Bank-Select LSB/MSB setting, but does not apply it until receipt of the next Program Change message.
Note 3: If the new Bank-Select MSB is 00H (melody voice) but the tone generator does not support the melody
voice corresponding to the last received Bank-Select LSB, the channel reverts to the Bank-Select LSB cor-
responding to its most recently played melody voice.
Note 4: If the new Bank Select MSB is 7FH (GM rhythm voice), the tone generator unconditionally uses LSB 00H.
If the tone generator does not support a drum kit corresponding to the channel’s most recently received Pro-
gram Change, the channel will revert to the Program Change corresponding to its most recently played
rhythm kit.