Song Lesson
3Play the appropriate part with the song.
After the lead-in, the song starts automatically, and the appropriate notes
appear in the display. In Lesson 3, listen carefully to the un-muted part, and
play the muted part yourself.
Lesson 4 — Both Hands
Lesson 4 is a “Minus One” practice essentially the same as Lesson 3, except that
both the left- and right-hand parts are muted — letting you play and master both
hands at the same time. Go on to this lesson step after you’ve mastered each
hand’s part in the previous three lesson steps. Practice both hands in time with the
rhythm along with the notation in the display.
1Select one of the songs.
2Select Lesson 4.
Press the [L] and [R] buttons simultaneously, so that Lesson 4 is indicated.
3Play both the left- and right-hand parts with the song.
After the lead-in, the song starts automatically, and the appropriate notes
appear in the display. In Lesson 4, both parts (left and right) are muted, let-
ting you play the entire song by yourself.