Selecting and Playing Songs

Changing the Tempo

The tempo of song playback can be adjusted over a range of 40 - 240 bpm (beats
per minute).
1Press the [TEMPO/TAP] button.
2Change the value.
Use the numeric keypad to set the desired Tempo value, or use the [+]/[-]
buttons to increase or decrease the value.
The PSR-260 also has a convenient Tap Tempo function that allows you to
“tap” a new tempo in real time. (See page 44.)
Current Tempo value


-04Restoring the Default Tempo Value
Each song and style has been
given a default or standard Tempo
setting. You can instantly restore
this default Tempo setting by press
ing both [+]/[-] buttons simulta-
neously (when Tempo is selected).
Also, the tempo of a song or style
returns to the default setting when
selecting a different song or style.
(The set tempo remains, however,
when switching styles during play-
back except when OTS is on.)
When you turn on the power of the
PSR-260, the tempo is automati-
cally set to 116 bpm.
About the Beat Display
This section of the display provides a convenient, easy-
to-understand indication of the rhythm — for song and
style playback. The flashing “handclap” icons indicate
both the downbeats and upbeats of a measure as fol-
Indicates the first beat of the mea-sure (downbeat)Indicates an upbeatIndicates a downbeat (other than the first beat)