CONFIGURATIONS Configuring the system settings (ADVANCED SETUP menu) En 66
Changing the FM/AM tuning frequency setting (TU)
(Asia and General models only)
Change the FM/AM tuning frequency setting of the unit depending on your listening
Switching the video signal type (TV FORMAT)
Switch the video signal type of HDMI output so that it matches to the format of your TV.
Since the unit automatically selects the video signal type so that it matches to the TV, it
is unnecessary to change the setting normally. Change the setting only when images
on the TV screen do not appear correctly.
U.S.A., Canada, Korea and General models: NTSC
Other models: PAL
Restoring the default settings (INIT)
Restores the default settings for the unit.
Updating the firmware (UPDATE)
New firmware that provides additional features or product improvements will be
released as needed. Updates can be downloaded from our website. For details, refer
to the information supplied with updates.
Firmware update procedure
Do not perform this procedure unless firmware update is necessary. Also, make sure
you read the information supplied with updates before updating the firmware.
1Save the downloaded firmware to the root folder of a USB memory device.
2Press PROGRAM on the front panel to select “UPDATE”.
3Connect the USB memory device to the USB jack.
4To start firmware update, press INFO on the front panel.
Checking the firmware version (VERSION)
Check the version of firmware currently installed on the unit.
FM100/AM10 Select this when you want to adjust the FM frequency by 100-kHz
steps and AM by 10-kHz steps.
FM50/AM9 (default) Select this when you want to adjust the FM frequency by 50-kHz steps
and AM by 9-kHz steps.
ALL Restores the default settings for the unit.
CANCEL Does not perform an initialization.