Best Surround Realism
Triple the DensityDirect Sound
Early Reflections
How Sound PropagatesDirect Sound
Early Reflections
Double the SpeedPrevious | Fs: 48kHz |
Expanding Frequency Response |
Expanding Frequency Response | Double the Signal Capacity | |
| Fs: 96kHz | |
Yamaha was able to fit all the High Definition CINEMA DSP circuitry (that’s a lot of processing power!) on a single board in its own chamber, for greater efficiency and isolation from possible interference.
Conventional | localization, smooth movement across the sound | Yamaha’s Exclusive |
sound on Dolby Digital and DTS decoding, using | space, exceptional clarity and remarkably realistic | Point Quantization LSI |
relatively simple matrix and steering techniques | presence. It will seem as if the walls of your room | |
to create surround sound effects. Yamaha’s | have disappeared and you are in the middle of | This powerful LSI performs all Dolby Digital and DTS |
CINEMA DSP Digital technology is much more | your own immense theater! | decoding with extreme accuracy, as well as all |
sophisticated. It naturally decodes the Dolby |
| digital sound field |
Digital and DTS movie sound formats, but it also | Yamaha Uses Actual Sound Field Data | processing, |
draws on a huge memory of | Yamaha developed a technique called Single Point | capabilities that |
actual venues (especially for the music programs) | Quad Miking to precisely capture the acoustic | previously required |
and input from movie sound technicians. This | patterns of sound spaces. This complex data is | two or more chips. It |
data is stored and processed on Yamaha- | stored and processed on extremely sophisticated | also outperforms |
developed LSIs, the most powerful audio chips in | LSIs designed and manufactured by Yamaha. | other chips in |
the world. |
| the precise |
| synchronization of images and sound. | |
Way Beyond Ordinary Surround Sound | All of the DSP IC chips and related circuitry are |
Our latest technology, | located together on a | Audio Delay for Adjusting |
actually creates four independent sound fields | provides a number of advantages. The dimensions | A Yamaha LSI provides synchronization of images |
(front, surround left, surround right and surround | are smaller (2/3 previous types), so signal paths | and sound, which is called |
back) that merge to envelop you in an | are shorter and there is more space for the large | signal goes through the video processor circuit |
unmatched surround sound experience. You hear | power supply components. Digital interference is | before it is displayed, which takes time, so it lags |
movies and music with accurate sound | reduced and impedance is lower as well. | behind the audio. The LSI accurately aligns them |