Basics Section
Overview of Voices/Waves
Each Voice can consist of up to four Elements. Each Element itself is a high-quality waveform or instrument sound.
There are two Voice types: Normal Voices and Drum Voices. Normal Voices are mainly pitched instrument sounds
that can be played over the range of the keyboard. Drum Voices are mainly percussion/drum sounds that are
assigned to individual notes on the keyboard. The Drum Voices also include special sound effects.
In general, a Voice (containing up to four Elements) can be played across the entire range of the keyboard. However,
this can be changed; the actual key range for the Voice is determined by the Note Limit parameters (page 73).
nA total of 480 (XG) and 128 (Preset) Normal Voices plus 20 Drum Voices are available as presets. You can create and store your
own original Voices; the S03 has User memory space for 128 User Normal Voices and two User Drum Voices.
Element 1~4
Element Wave form
AWM2: 453 Prest waveforms
Nomal Voice Drum Voice
Individual drum
sounds (different
for each key)
Element 1~4