Selecting and Playing a Style — Auto Accompaniment (ACMP)
Quick Guide
TYROS Owner’s Manual
5As soon as you play a chord with your left hand, the selected style
For this example, play a C major chord (as shown below).
6Try playing other chords with your left hand and
play a melody with your right hand.
For information on how to enter chords, see page 108 and the Chord Fingering Chart
listed in the separate Data List booklet.
The chord root/type specified with your left hand will be shown at the center of the Main
7Press the [START/STOP] button to stop style playback.
Try out some of the other styles...
■ Stop Accompaniment function
When auto accompaniment is turned on and Syncro Start is off, you can play chords in the left-hand
(accompaniment) section of the keyboard with the style stopped, and still hear the accompaniment
chord. In this condition — called “Stop Accompaniment” — any valid chord fingerings (page 108) are
recognized and the chord root/type are shown in the LCD. Since the TYROS properly recognizes the
chord, you can also use the Chord Match function (page 38) with the Multi Pads or the Harmony effect
(page 39) without having to play back a style.
Category Style Name Comment
Live8Beat A modern ‘live’ sound field featuring the great new Mega-guitars — if you want to sound like a real
band, check this out!
Unplugged 1 A popular recent trend has been to unplug the instruments and play them acoustically. Listen to
how accurately this sound is recreated — but don’t unplug your TYROS!
PowerBallad A fantastic ‘CD quality’ sound field — listen to the amazing realism of the new strings in intro II.
6-8SlowRock1 No one can resist the 50’s — the music transcends the generations. Try intro III and reminisce!
EasyBallad Laid back and smooth, this style can be used for many of your favourite ballads. Intro III showcas-
es the powerful new French Horn sound.
Dance Ibiza2002 Using new drum, bass and synth voices, this vibe is fresh from the sun-drenched island.
BigBandFast1 Sparkling new sounds are used to revive the Golden Age of the big band. Swing along with this
style and enjoy complete control over an entire big band.
Dixieland1 Close your eyes and listen to this traditional Dixieland style and you could almost be in New Or-
leans, the birthplace of Jazz. Try main D for the full Dixie band.
R&B JazzFunk A genre born in the late seventies, this style delivers all the typical jazzy rhythms and funky beats
you would expect. Check out the new Mega-clean guitar with the brass and sax sections, it’s hard
to believe you are hearing a keyboard!
Country ModCntryBld1 Complete with the high-quality well-produced sound of modern country music, this style demon-
strates yet another soundfield possible from the powerful TYROS tone generator.
Latin BrazilianSamba Super-realistic percussion samples bring this Latin American style to life. Check out the rhythmical
variations between Main A - D.
PubPiano Now you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own living room to enjoy a good old fash-
ioned sing-along!
Movie&Show MovieSwing Everyone loves the movies and the soundtrack plays a major part in setting the mood. Intro III
features the mix of strings and french horns so typical of filmscores.
Flamenco A fiery Spanish dance. Listen to the fantastic new Mega-guitar — you may find it hard to believe
you’re listening to a keyboard!
IrishDance This authentic Celtic masterpiece comes complete with the complex and exciting rhythms associ-
ated with traditional Irish music.
• The [START/STOP] button flashes
in sync with the beat. The red
color flashes at the first beat and
the green color flashes at the
other beats.
Split Point
Chord section